Kiyoshi Kawarabata

Born in Japan in 1931. He obtained his Law Degree from the University of Tokyo (L.L.M) en 1955.

Mr. Kawarabata has had a distinguished professional career as legal counsel of multinational corporations; involved in mining exploration and exploitation for the company Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co., Ltd. in Latin America, and Litigation regarding intellectual property (1955-1996).

Areas of practice: Commercial Agreements, Corporate and Mining Law.

Víctor Manuel Izquierdo Blanco

Victor Manuel Izquierdo Blanco is a Communications and Electronics Engineer, with postgraduate studies in Applied Physics, Electronics and Telecommunications. He is an expert in Radio communications, Telephony and Computer Science certified by COFETEL.

Mr. Izquierdo is one of the top specialists in Mexico, with the highest credentials on these subject matters. He has knowledge in areas such as Microwave and Radio-Electric Links, Satellite Communications, IP Technology, norms and standards. He has been appointed Expert in our class actions against Telcel and Nextel.